data accessibility中文什么意思

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  1. Given the large study area to cover and constraints of data accessibility and available resources , it is recommended that the remote sensing and gis technology form the core of further updating methodology
  2. Considered usual condition in mobile computing enviorenment , the thesis put forward a creative thought - - " more mobility on client , high capability on server " , combined that mobile database has a small capacity , connected and disconnected frequently ; memory database has short latency time , fast data accessibility ; therefore , according to syncml protocol ; based on the frame of data synchronization of heterogeneous database , built a model of rapid synchronization of heterogeneous data , using mobile database technology on client and customized memory database technology on server . through experiments , it has been proved to be a improvement of data synchronization technology , and has been applied to the mobile dispatch system of the china airdrome


  1. data access protocol 什么意思
  2. data access rate 什么意思
  3. data access register 什么意思
  4. data access security 什么意思
  5. data access service 什么意思
  6. data accumulation 什么意思
  7. data accumulator 什么意思
  8. data accuracy 什么意思
  9. data acquire system 什么意思
  10. data acquisation center 什么意思


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